Vecchio Amaro del Capo is the most sold spirit in Italy. In September 2019, I visited the team of Domenico Tripaldi and Manolito Cortese in Calabria.
In the German speaking DACH region, the aromatic liqueur made of herbs and roots is still quite unknown and the aim is to conquer a greater market share. In the impressive ambience of the more than one-hundred-year-old CAFFO producer-distillery in southern Italian Limbadi, we discussed initial strategies for German-speaking target groups. Since then, I’ve been working together with Domenico Tripaldi and his Munich-based CAFFO Deutschland on the German localisation of the brand.

Campaign claim, social media copy, print and online product copy, press information. Pronouncing the name of the herbal liqueur isn’t easy for non-Italian-speaking target groups so we decided to leave aside the “Vecchio” and to shorten the brand name in German to “Amaro del Capo”.
Since 2021, I’ve been the voce tedesca-italiana chatting with the Amaro del Capo community on Facebook and Instagram.